This is a page where family members can discuss the materials I have posted on my family history website, offer suggestions and submit additional documents not already posted on the Albert Bohannan research site:

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Possible Link to another Bohanon Line

A DNA test links our Behunin line with that of a Bohanon family. While the evidence does not suggest a link that is not likely more than ten generations back, it does give us some direction for our searching. The DNA test shows that I have a matching sequence on all but two genetic markers on the Y chromosome with Herbert Charles Bohanon. The following is the email message I received from Herbert describing his ancestry:


Feb 7 7:42 PM GMT

Great Grandad Hiram Coffin Bohanon Born Maine 1827 moved to Minnesota 1852 died Minn 1908.Ananiah Bohanon Jr Born Maine 1788 died Minnesota 1880. Ananiah Bohanon Born Maine 1766 Died 1790John Bohanan Born New Hampshire 1740 died Maine 1821 Andrew Bohonon Born Scotland 1709 Impressed as a boy for sea duty, in Ireland ran when ship hit Boston Died New Hamshire 1803. note different spelling to last name. Hopethis can be of some help to you.


Feb 9 6:19 PM GMT

Andrew was born Glascow, Scotland. He married Tabitha Flanders. They had 4 boys Andrew, John, Jacob and Ananiah. Except John they all stayed in area. They lived first in Boscawen N.H. and later moved to Salisbury N.H. where he died. John married Mary Rolfe in 1865 in Maine. They had children before that. Mary Rolfe was his first cousin. Her mother was the sister of Tabitha. John was born in Boscawen and died in Calais, Maine. You can send me Email at

I think we need to have another male decendant of Isaac Behunin take DNA test. We can get a better idea as to how we connect with various bohanon lines if we have a distant cousin of mine do the test. The DNA sequences change so infrequently, that it serves as a useful tool for establishing family links. However, if there was a change in one of the DNA markers since Isaac, then the test may not be giving us as accurate information as we would like to see.

So I am looking for someone who is descended from one of Isaac's other sons besides Stephen Mosiah who would be willing to take the test. If you qualify and would like to take the test, email me at, or go to one of the family history websites that provide the service, such as


HERE is a link to Herbert Bohanon's line to which we may find a connection.

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