This is a page where family members can discuss the materials I have posted on my family history website, offer suggestions and submit additional documents not already posted on the Albert Bohannan research site:

Sunday, March 27, 2011

DNA Evidence Suggests Behunin's were Scottish

I had the DNA test done by Relative Genetics to determine the Halotype of the Behunin Family LIne. The test is useful because it traces back common paternal ancestors using genes that are passed from father to son. Many of those with the most common genetic markets, though none are identical, seem to have a Scottish background. This lends support for the theory that Albert and his father were Scotchmen.

One of the most closely related people in the DNA database is Herbert Charles Bohanon. I've made contact with him and am trying to see whether we can make a link to his family line.

For a report of the DNA results, review the following document:

For a list of those with similar DNA, review this document:

I believe this information suggests that the family is not French, as some have supposed. Please review the DNA reports and tell me if you think otherwise.

James Behunin